GODREJ 49 – MLP R2 (Godrej Aristocrat)

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Godrej Properties Limited (“Company”) is developing a residential group housing project under the name and style “Godrej Aristocrat” (“Project”) situated at Sector 49, Gurugram, Haryana in pursuance to License no. 147 of 2023 dated 18.07.2023 valid till 17.07.2028 and building plan bearing memo no. ZP-1846/PA(DK)/2023/38362 dated 09.11.2023 valid till 09.11.2028, issued by Directorate of Town and Country Planning Haryana (“DTCP”) and any further revisions and renewals in future.

The Project is registered with Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Gurugram (“HRERA”) vide HRERA Registration No. RC/REP/HARERA/GGM/767/499/2023/111 dated 04.12.2023
available at https://www.haryanarera.gov.in/. The terms of allotment/sale shall be subject to (a) Application Form, Allotment Letter, Agreement for Sale and/or Conveyance Deed; (b) licenses, building plan and other approvals; and (c) Occupation Certificate(s). Building Plan and Approvals are subject to change and revision. Nothing contained herein constitutes an invitation to offer, an offer, provisional or final allotment and does not form part of any legally binding agreement/ contract and/or commitment of any nature by the Company. All digital/ printed material/ representations, plans, specifications, artistic renderings, images (other than actual images), areas, sizes, shapes and positions and whatever facilities, amenities and recreational areas as shown are merely artistic impressions. No warranty is expressly or impliedly given that the completed development of the Project will comply in any degree with such artistic impressions / digital material, representations, artistic renderings and images as depicted/ shown herein. Viewers/Recipients are advised to exercise their discretion in relying on the information  described/shown herein and only after thorough understanding about the Project and taking  appropriate advice, take further decision regarding/in relation to the Project.

This brochure is purely conceptual, illustrative and used for indicative purposes only and not a legal offering. All specifications, amenities, surroundings, greens areas, etc. of the Project shall be as per the final agreement for sale between the Parties and subject to change, addition, deletion or amendment as may be decided by the Company or as directed by any competent authority in the best interest of the development. The official website of the Company is www.godrejproperties.com. Please do not rely on any other website.
The Company and/or its directors, mangers, employees, representatives shall not have any liability (financial or otherwise) arising on account of this brochure or any information contained herein towards the viewer /recipient. The Company reserves its right to change or modify or discontinue this brochure.
Nothing contained herein shall construe any scheme or deposit plan or investment advice / offer/ proposal under Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 and/ or any other applicable laws. Use of information for buying/ investing in the Project by any person shall be deemed to be on the basis of his/ her/ their independent analysis and judgement. Use of information contained herein will be governed by laws of India and the competent authorities shall only be HRERA and courts at Gurugram.




  • ID: 3965
  • Published: December 21, 2023
  • Last Update: January 2, 2024
  • Views: 168